Monday, 23 March 2009

Search for Information Website Traffic and topics with Google Trends

17:05 by Burid Community ·
Google Trends for Websites is a service that you can use to see how popular a site. Services such as this also can be found on services like Alexa, comScore, and compete. With service like this we can analyze and compare the data traffic in various sites around the world.

According to Google, the data from the Trends for Websites is "taken from various sources and there is a possibility does not match some other data source that you use to search for web traffic information."
It's possible Google Trends will be able to provide a more accurate analysis than other competitors. Because they also use the data they can from Google Analytics, and data history that they have the results of what many visitors search through Google Search.
Google Trends can also be used to view and compare the search volume index of a keyword. So that we can understand the topic at this time what the most searched and sought by the world internet users (can be viewed based on each country). And we can compare with the one topic among other topics

To try to use Google Trends for Topic can go directly to the address / trends and if inging try Google Trends for Websites able to address / websites

When searching or comparing each keyword and site must be marked using a coma (,) and spaces. For example:

* Economic, political, election, employment


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